Thursday, April 16, 2015

Week 5 Reflection 4 - Presentation Tools

Week 5 - Wow we are nearly half way, how time fly's. This week in ICT’s we have been asked to examine a set of interactive and multimodal presentation tools. One of these tools I am familiar with and have used as a format for my own assignments and for several sporting presentation nights I have been involved with. The tool I am referring to is PowerPoint and this has been used frequently as a presentation tool in most units I have been enrolled in during my university years. My first thoughts when beginning this reflection was to select the tool I was most familiar with and discuss that tool in more in detail. My exposure to all this new technology has encouraged me to become adventurous so now I have decided to have a play with all three presentation tools, include a small presentation of each one in my blog this week. I will then make my decision on which one to explore further after I have spent time familiarizing myself with Gloster and Prezi both of which I have not had any experience with before. This is where I begin to think out of the box ………
I have had a play with Glogster and must admit I enjoyed how the tool provided so many graphics, texts and layouts all of which encouraged creativity. The only barrier I can see to a Glog is one’s own imagination. I believe it is could be the tool teachers could access when the topic they are planning to teach is commonly less stimulating to most students so as to create interest levels. From the short period of time I had experimenting with my Glog I believe it could be a great study accessory with students utilising Glogs to include learning material relevant for up and coming exams. It could also be especially beneficial to those students who don’t learn well in the traditionally text-orientated subjects if they supported their own learning through the use of a Glog. The Glog I created is intended for physical education classes as it highlights the importance of sports nutrition. I used source as recommended in our course information to create my first Glog which is attached below.
I was asked during my interview at my prac school to do a small presentation about myself as an introduction to the physical education and health education classes I will be working with next term. As mentioned I am familiar with PowerPoint so began putting something together in that format. As we are focusing on presentation tools I thought It might be a good inclusion in this weeks Blog. Unfortunately it wasn't until I finished creating the PowerPoint that I realised I needed Microsoft professional 2010 PowerPoint to be able to include this PowerPoint Portfolio as a slide share in my blog. My only option to share in this case was to provide a link to view it.
Here is my first attempt at using Prez ...

And the winner is ….. Very hard to choose as I have found the 'new to me tools' Gloster and Prezi a lot of fun to play with as I can see how well they would work in certain learning environments and for particular learning outcomes. For the purpose of the refection I believe Powerpoint is the tool that is most versatile and one that could be adapted to any learning environment. It is easy and simple to use and preparation time is minimal. Until I accessed the links and other information provided in our weekly overview this week I was unaware of the more creative ways to use PowerPoint only having used the more traditional ways. The virtual museums are impressive and perfect for presenting historical and geographical type learnings. From a health and physical education point of view I can see it being a fantastic tool for anatomy and physiology presentations in with the 3D format being able to assist with understanding body organs, systems and how they work together. I also believe it is necessary to have a tool that is simplistic and one that can deliver more traditional and text orientation lessons when needed through the use of a technology. PowerPoint has the power!



Gloster 2015, Retrieved from Https:// Lecture notes and engagement activities

Week 5 ICT's Prezi 2015, Retrieved from

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